Best vintages for Bourgueil wines

Our comparative guide to Loire Valley wine vintages.
What are the best years for Loire Valley wine appellations? Discover our year-by-year comparison.
    Excellent year. Go ahead without hesitation on this vintage.
    Good year. Could have been a better vintage, still palatable.
    Excellent year. Go ahead without hesitation on this vintage.
    Good year. Could have been a better vintage, still palatable.
    Excellent year. Go ahead without hesitation on this vintage.
    Divine year. Go ahead with your eyes closed on this vintage.
    Superb year. Conditions were perfect for this vintage.
    Divine year. Go ahead with your eyes closed on this vintage.
    Divine year. Go ahead with your eyes closed on this vintage.
    Divine year. Go ahead with your eyes closed on this vintage.

      Loire wines vintage charts : our methodology.

      ur wine vintage charts are based on a unique methodology. It compares the average vintage scores given to a selection of dozens of Loire Valley wines that are representative of each appellation. So our wine vintage charts truly reflect the opinions of real wine lovers who have tasted these wines. Use the filters to explore our guide to the best years for Loire Valley wines. By appellation, wine type, year, vintage quality.